Monthly Archives: November 2009

Using Your Body for a Good Cause

This past weekend I had the privilege of running in a race in my hometown of Jacksonville, FL.

A privilege? Yes, that’s exactly how I felt.

There was a time in my life when I couldn’t have walked from the car to the starting line without being out of breath, cranky and frustrated. But this race was different on many levels.

There are many races out there that are for the benefit of the runners. They bring with them pride of accomplishment, prestige in certain sports circles—even a monetary reward in some cases.

But the race I ran this past Saturday, was a race for a cause. And to me, those are the very best ones. I believe it pleases God when we use the things He’s given us (like our bodies) to benefit others instead of just for selfish means.

My local trainer, Margie, became aware of the A21 Campaign quite a while back. It is a fierce movement to abolish human trafficking. I couldn’t believe the statistics when I heard them. Every 47 seconds someone is sold into this type of slavery throughout the world.

Well, Margie isn’t one to just sit back and do nothing. And so the Be Her Freedom Run became her baby over the past year. She has dedicated endless hours of time and effort and prayers towards this race. It was a phenomenal turn out too. Over 500 people joined together to take a stand against this issue.

My point in sharing this is to say that after I had completed the race I was thankful for a healthy body that is able to run. I was thankful for the freedom I sometimes take for granted in this great country in which I live. But I was especially thankful that I could run for a cause.

And there are plenty of events of this type out there. For example, October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month and there were races held in support of that cause.

It really was a blessing for me to be able to use my body for a good cause. And I encourage each of you to do the same. Even if you aren’t a runner, you can walk. Even if you can’t walk the entire length of the race; walk a portion of it.

I believe that you’ll come away from the experience with a sense of gratitude and a new awareness of important issues and the fulfillment you can receive by supporting them.